Tuesday, March 9, 2010

my Logitech

just opened my Logitech Folders & suddenly i found lots of pictures, some random pictures ;)

si centil yg diam2 menggunakan webcam gw ! =P

really long time agoo =) look at my long hair !

well, ini sama si Chloe yg mukanya masih jelek abis ;)
wkt dititipin majikannya disini.. hahaha..

CHRISTMAS 2009, i miss them !

my cutest niece in the world, Chloe !

she is getting taller & more beautiful now ! this is the last webcam pictures with her, and look at her now =)



  1. aw aw aw aw...
    1. carla sih centil abis...hahaha
    2. majikannya lagi jemput majikan yg 1 lagi..heuhehue..
    3. koq webcamp chloe sodara lu bagus yahhh, di pake apa lensanya dut?

  2. cutee baby,dear :)
    oia. i already follow u follow me back y.:)

  3. dut, olivier kan pake macbook pro ! hahaha... secara dia distributor + kerja di macbook sydney ! makannya dihadiahin macbook buat ulang tahun =P
