Friday, June 25, 2010

All Over Again =)

Someday, we'll forget the hurt, the reason we cried and who caused us pain.
We will finally realize that the secret of being free is not revenge,
but letting things unfold in their own way and own time.

After all,
What matters is not the first, but the last chapter of our life
which shows how well we ran the race.

So smile, laugh, FORGIVE, believe and LOVE
all over again.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010


i thank God for my whole life,
for every single days He gave me through,
for a great superb family,
for super bestfriends, i just can't mention you one by one, you guys are the greatest, you know who you are, when I need someone to share, holding on, telling stories, helping me through broken hearted, keep telling me that life is still good, thankyouu

and it makes me happier knowing that nowadays I am not alone anymore (:
i got someone to rely on,
i got my big baby to take care of,
and it feels so good to be falling in love, all over again.

i'm not saying this is the last one (we always hope so,i do hope too),
i'm not saying i won't dealing with broken hearted again (i probably will, because fallin love equals to take a risk),
but I guarantee that this 2nd one will be a mature & growing love,
learn from mistakes & not repeating it again,

and the most important thing is: I always feel that I am being loved. He shows to the world, to his big family, to his bestfriends, to his mates, to everyone he knows, that I am someone very important in his life, taking me for what I am, complete my disabilities, always want to stay with me through the worst, and,
never say i'm QUIT and always say we never know if we're not trying!

and if everybody said LD equals to Long Distance,
he said LD equals to Love has no Distance ;)

so, thankyou,
i have a Big God,
i got a great family,
i am being loved,
i got bestfriends,

and this is what I wanna say,



Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Good Time at Church =)

Regarding to Pastor Jerry Stott preaching last Sunday at my church, I want to share these good words to you all. Hope it'll be a bless for you & everyone who reads this.

Last Sunday, as usual, I went to church with sister mom & dad. I always called Sunday as a family day, because we went to church together, we have our lunch at somewhere else besides home & have our family quality time. talking with dad about schools, future, scholarship, talking with sister about study, gossip, life lately, and also with mom who always being a 'kepo' person. so, when we (me,sister&dad) in a good end of telling stories, she finally asked, "apaan si? mami ga denger -___-" owkay and we've to repeat all of the stories or she will be mad at us ;p

back to my point,
so Pastor Jerry was preaching about How to rejoice in the middle of struggle.
this is cliche, how could we find a joy in the middle of the desert? how could we smile & laugh in the middle of hurted feelings/sad? and this preaching is getting more interesting.

James 1:3
"Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience."

James 1:12
"Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hats promised to them that love him."

Through the verses, i learned:
- God wants to make us
- Trials make us even stronger and show the real us
- Struggle makes us being a different person and a new-born man

and this is the most important:
God provides us joy. God provides us problems too. So when we finally find a big struggle, that is when we find the biggest grace from God. trust me, it works & it is really true! =) been there.

See, there is always a big cost for something great. No matter how it looks like, never give up, always walk with Jesus because believe this word & say in your heart: He will carry me through. Holy spirit comes when we have trials and they comfort us when we're hurting. When you're in the worst part of your life and in a feeling of suffering, that is when God's hands work the BEST.

God will stand for you, when we're and when I am almost fall to the ground & feels like we cannot standing high.
You will have your time of struggle, how you handle it? Know your level of Christianity. No matter what, said: I Love You Jesus, I trust You.

and I will stand high with You, keeping my faithful faith.
because nothing compares to the promise I have in You.




Friday, June 11, 2010


ya ya ya, minggu ini bener2 minggu melelahkan banget, berhubung deadline ngumpulin skripsi adalah 14 Juni yang notabene adalah Hari Senin, akhirnya skripsi yang selama 6 bulan lebih membebani otak gw bisa copot seengga2nya setengah lahh (setengah nya lg copot pas sidang, AMIN).

jadi, skripsi yang benar2 menguras tenaga & pikiran gw. gw mau sekedar cerita pengorbanan gw selama masa2 pengumpulan skripsi sama my mates Yovita Gunawan tentunya. hahahaha. gatau kenapa, biasanya minggu2 yg masih jauh dari deadline, yaaa bole dibilang gw buat skripsi sama dia seminggu 2-3x lah ketemu, sisanya seneng2, leha2 santai2 leye2 ga jelas, tp bukan berarti otak ga tetep mikir.. tetep aja kepikiran.. apalagi si yovitagunawan yang selalu gw hantui setiap hari Minggu Siang, soalnya hari Minggu itu selalu abis gw pulang gereja & selesai acara keluarga, langsung kepikiran skripsi & semua2nya, jadi lgsg lah gw bbm/sms dia
"Dut, senin kita mau ngapain? skripsi kapan mau lanjut? kapan mau ke Setiabudi?"
pertanyaannya selalu ga beda jauh setiap minggu. gw sebenernya juga udah SANGAT enek nanyain gitu tiap hari, tp gimana yah, secara skripsi gw berdua sama dia jd rasanya mau bagi beban gw lah ke dia.. hahahaha.. tp tetep: ga efek apa2 abis sms dia, abis jawabannya:
"terserah dut, atur aja, gw ikut lu aja.."
HAHAHAHA no offense dut, becanda gw.. hahahaha.. pada akhirnya kita masih tetep tersesat di Hutan Belantara yang waktu itu gatau kapan ketemu jalan keluarnya.
Setelah melewati jam,hari bahkan minggu, akhirnya SAMPE JUGA ke minggu terakhir pengumpulan skripsi, hari itu, si yovitagunawan jarang2nya cariin gw, biasa gw yg mesti cariin dia hahaha, eh dia lebih getol secara mulai panik bookkk mau kumpull.. akhirnya dari Senin sampai hari ini Jumat malam.. kita bener2 all out ga tidur abis2an *lebay dikit* tidur sih, cm tetep aja..

Hari Terakhir:
gw & yovita bener2 kaya pindahan rumah. Dari Jakarta, bawa laptop, bawa printer, bawa kertas 1 rim & bawa semua data tetek bengek buat skripsi, semuanya dipindain ke perpus, buat sehari doang. kenapa dibawa semuanya? supaya feels like home, mau liat apa gampang tinggal caplok. sampe2 gw hampir dicegat satpam perpus gara2 bawa barang kebanyakan, hampir semua orang ngeliatin karna kita pake 2 row meja depan belakang buat taro printer laptop kertas 1 rim masih belom dibuka dan tetek bengeknya. tp tetep: kita pede jaya.

waktu itu jam 11, kita udh sampe kampus & beres2in semua, and kita mulai ngetik sisa2 bab akhir yg belum diselesaikan. masih agak santai & ngobrol2, sambil gw ngetik yovi bacain, eh gatau kenapa, financial statement kita ternyata ada yg salah, lgsg berasa kesamber geledek. artinya: semua bab 5 yang udah dibuat capek2 harus diliatin satu2 karena semua angkanya berubah. sampe mau pingsan. akhirnya, kita lgsg samperin dosen pembimbing, yovi gw suru lari duluan ke kantor secara tu dosen mujarab udah bak artis di kantor ngantri mau bimbingan sama dia, gw sendirian rapiin laptop, printer sampe bolak balik 2x taro di loker. pegel bener dah. karena waktu itu gw lg sakit, gw jd meninggalkan yovita makan siang dl karna harus minum obat, trus si yovi gw beliin makanan dong tetep, dari gw beres2in barang di perpus, trus makan siang, trus selesai makan siang, beliin yovi makanan, naik lagi ke perpus ambil charger laptop yang ketinggalan, sampe akhirnya gw jalan ke gedung D yang ajubile jauhnya, si yovita masih belum dapet giliran bimbingan *mulai desperate* ternyata dosen2 lg pd meeting, jd yg ngantri juga belom dapet semua daritadi.

saking udah desperate, si yovitagunawan, si dosen mujarab lg kencing di WC cowo, yang dia lakukan adalah: menghadang si dosen dengan bawa laptop langsung dibenerin di tempat. HAHAHAHA ( gw mikir aja kalo anak2 yang lagi nunggu di ruangan liat dia langsung menghadang, dia siap digebukkin massaa ) akhirnya setelah dibenerin, ketemu jalan terang, udah dong lega, eh setelah diotak atik excellnya, mala ga balance lagi cash flow nya sampe 850.000.000, mampus lah. tamat riwayat. langsung ngantri lagi di dalem ( emang ga diredoi sama yang diatas kalo pake cara licik menghadang dosen depan wc hahaha)

sementara yovi ngantri dosen mujarab, gw kalang kabut minta ttd lembar pengesahan, mana pake salah2 terus aturan sama namanya, dan gw harus print bolak balik jarak Gedung D-Snoopy yang LUMAYAN PARAH JAUHNYA. bayangin aja gw bolak balik 6x sampe napas mau copot & mau nangis gara2 salah print, kurang print, salah ketik & blablabla. gimana gw ga buru2, terakhir gw dateng, si enci snoppy udah tutup toko jam stengah 5, lgsg gw teriak mohon2 ci jangan tutup dl saya mau ngeprint satu kali lg terakhir, kata nci nya ga bisa dia udah mau pulang, akhirnya gw acting dikit mau nangis trus bilang dosennya cm tinggal ada hari ini karena dia dosen part time, akhirnya si enci yg baik hati buka pintu, nyalain lampu, nyalain mesin fotokopi, printer & komputer.. ilapyufull cii!!!
gw ngetik dengan ngos2an & setengah gemeteran secara kanan kiri abang2 sama si nci nungguin gw kaya nungguin maling kabur dari penjara. untung gw ga salah lagi. akhirnya gw jalan dengan sempoyongan ke gedung D mengejar si Pa dosen yang udah gw suruh jangan pulang dulu demi nungguin tanda tangan gw doangg.. untung dia ga bete sama gw.. yg penting gw dapet tanda tangannya..

yah singkat cerita: setelah jam 5 sore, hasil nunggu & segala2nya, akhirnya balance juga, akhirnya balik ke kos gw sebentar, ngetik lagi bab 5, bacain ulang, buat daftar isi blablabla, dipikir cm sebentar yah, tau2 udah jam stengah 11 malem setelah selesai print & semuanya.. abis itu, langsung ke Snapy Tj.Duren yang buka sampe jam 12 malem. Langsung difotokopi perbanyak.

keesokan harinya, langsung balik lagi ke kampus tercinta, ke snoppy lagi & print jilid and beresin semuanya, akhirnya, perjuangan selesai.

FIUH. bener2 lega banget. seengganya tinggal tunggu sidang.
moga2 pas sidang ga dibabat abis2an.
yahh begitu aja ceritanya.. cuma sedikit mau curhat pengorbanan para mahasiswa demi sebuah gelar sarjana


Friday, June 4, 2010

my Quality time with beloved people =D

finally i have time to upload some good pictures. should be my time to make my final project. but the fact is, until this time I dont even start to make it ;) hahaha.. promise i'll make it after this one.

So, these past few weeks, or even months was really a great one, spent it with bestfriends & loveable one make me keep smiling & feeling so excited the whole time, always wanna share it with you guys =) so you guys now we should always be happy too..
so, here are my pictures in order from the latest one to the oldest one,

This is Dewi, we were having dinner on Friday Night with Indra & Freddy too at Sushi Tei, at that time, it was national day but I forgot what day it was, we were also watching Prince of Persia together..

This picture was taken at Shunji Matsuo & at the down right corner side is me & my sister at Sushi Nobu, so we got an opportunity to the first ladies to try the luxury service at Shunji Matsuo for fweee hehehe ;) thanks to Melinda for that

and this is the hair stylish from Japan, flew so far away especially for us ;) nope, i mean to run the hair studio, after that we had lunch at Sushi Nobu.

and finally, my little sister is graduated. This is her picture with her boyfriend =) so cute ehh? hehehe..

and this is me & at the opposite site is Melinda. so Carla is my sister and Albert is Melinda's brother. I & Melinda used to be bestfriends, well not used to, we are still now! what a coincidence! hopefully this one remains forever yaahh..

and this mommy & daddy too, we used Batik at that time except my dad because he came straightaway from work. happy day!

we also watched Moscow Circus !!! Thanks to Rita who accompanied me when I was buying the tickets, we came back to the locket for 3 times just to get the tickets because we've heard that the tickets are all sold out, but luckily, i got 12 tickets & we watched together.. eventho the show was a bit boring because a long time of waiting, we're still extremely happy =D

and this is the crew of circus : Satya Santoso & his lovely girlfriend ci fani, my lovely Ibu Maya Santoso ;) plus Pa Budhi & Marcia too.. look at their happy faces!

and this is me, my sister, melinda, Indra + Ryan, and also ryan's friends (didnt get the pictures) and Albert also..

Before we went to Moscow Circus, early in the morning, I went to Miss Maya's mansion to celebrate Micah (her baby boy) 7 months. They had Tedhak Siten ceremony (kinda a cultural ceremony for Java) and I was helping to photograph the moments.

this is the equipments. kinda cute & unique at once.

and this is Marcia, Micah's sister, and Yovita too, we love taking pictures together!

usual Saturday night, hanging out & having fun & trying new restaurants together.. dewi, yenni & fike ;)

and this is me & dewi, we're using Zara Kids size *a bit proud* hahaha.. and finally we bought the same size & style in only different colors. It looks cute, i mean the Zara :p

and the last one, is UPH 1st Choir, me & my other 2 friends got an opportunity of becoming the stage manager & show manager to check & run the whole concert & we did it ! The concert went very well & we are the proudies mama!

and this is me with my flowers from others =) thanks *smooch*

so, that is all the pictures i got in my laptop, finally I uploaded the whole pictures as I promised. hehehehe. Life feels so good lately, aaahhhh, i wish i always got this happy feeling for a long time. hehehehe. okay now, back to my final project, the very last 2 weeks, and I've to finish it all. =D

anw, I'm going to Puncak tomolo morning with the weekenders yiihiiiiyyyy =D so happy happyy syalalaaaa ! can't wait can't wait ! it's gonna be a long happy weekend !


til the next blog !

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


i feel so lazy movin my ass to my table,
i feel so not in the mood to do my thesis,
but I only have 13 days left,
i am so not in the good condition to do all of these.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

it's FINALLY the 1st of June !! yaiiyyyyyy..

finally, it is 1st of June ! :D
can you believe that? we're almost in the middle of the year againnnnn,
hopefully what i've wished, what i've been waiting for,
everything will go so perfect !
amen !

especially for the final project, God bless me & yovi & my other lovely friends too !
the berry last 2 weeks before it is all submitted...

let's do this friendss..

me love youuuu